Hi there
It’s time to make a scene. Oh yes! I would love to make a scene! I was bobbing about in a sea of emotions this morning, catching an angry wave, then being awash with sadness, only to surface and be hit by the next surge of frustration. Until I decided
The only way to get to shore and some semblance of serenity was to get with my hands and MAKE SOMETHING.
So I went up to my art room, rolled my sleeves up, and had a play with the new landscaping stamp/mask sets that Jazz and I have designed together.
I don’t want to show my entire hand here, because I want you to enjoy the reveal next week! But Cor. Don’t you love it when what was in your head actually works on paper !!! I have a feeling that you are going to fall in love with these. And as Saturday’s blog is about a New Technique, I thought I’d tell you about them. Ready for a tease?
It’s a combination concept. Tree stamps in combination with landscape masks. There are 5 scenescape masks altogether, and 5 little tree sets to go with them. All beautifully interchangeable of course.
I have put them through their paces; just need to make a few tweaks to the masks – and then we can go into production. There is a simple but oh-so-effective scene-building process, which I want to share with you next Sunday – It’s all about the colours and the moons …
I am going to launch them next Sunday 3-5pm, on our new Clarity Social TV. It’s the first Sunday of the month, which is when I have been doing TV for the last 15 or 16 years! Why break the habit of a lifetime ?! It’s going well actually, thanks to our totally talented Clarity team, and our lovely loyal friends and customers – you.
We have to live in the solution here; no point in crying over spilt milk. We’re a creative bunch to the core, and we want to keep making! We‘ve also got bills to pay, mouths to feed, customers to look after – and the Good Ship Clarity to keep afloat.
But I have a good feeling about it, I really do. You’ve got to admit, we’ve rallied pretty fast! We‘ve been a couple of steps away from streaming independently and doing LIVE online shopping for years actually – we just elected not to do it in deference to Create & Craft. I’m okay with that decision too.
Who knew, when we built our two social TV studios to be able to stream the SHAC from home and Clarity during Lockdown, that this would end up being our rescue package down the road! One of you good people said yesterday in one of the messages (I do read every single one, you know) that it was a good thing we had the cameras all set and good to go! Ain’t that the truth!! You see? You never know, do you.
Lights, camera – action. And we’re all about action at Clarity!
Love always,